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3220 W. Monte Vista Ave. PMB# 199,
Turlock, California,
United States - 95380
Contact Us

Before contacting a TVYFL League Board Representative-
Did you contact you Head Coach?
Did you contact your Local Team Representative?
Did you receive an answer from your Local Organization?
Did you contact the offending team/coach/person via your teams League Representative?

This is proper procedure for the chain of command to function and allow local representatives to correct issues at their local team level.
E-Board members will always refer you back to your local organization if you have not followed the above steps.


Please send all communication to info@tvyfl.us.
This will insure better communication with all TVYFL board members.

Alfonzo President anava@tvyfl.us
Joe 1st VP -  Atlantic Teams Contact jpowers@tvyfl.us
Amy R  2nd VP - Pacific Teams Contact arapier@tvyfl.us
Jorje  3rd VP - Special Events jgarcia@tvyfl.us
Amy C 1st Cheer Commissioner - Primary Cheer Contact acrabtree@tvyfl.us
Gina 2nd Cheer Commissioner - Special Events gshoars@tvyfl.us
Robert Treasurer rmann@tvyfl.us
Curtis Secretary cjacobson@tvyfl.us
Adam Coaches Commissioner - USA Football alema@tvyfl.us
Shannon Insurance Commissioner sleduc@tvyfl.us
Tracy Ref Commissioner info@tvyfl.us